Vision Basic

— Biology and medicine
— Cytology
— Sperm analysis
— Fluorescence
— Pathology
— Hematology
Application modules
Vision Album

Digital system for visualization and data management. Digital sample management.
Vision Bio

Digital system for analysis automation in biology and medicine. Measurements of linear and optical parameters for particles.
Vision Bio Epi

Analysis, report generation and management of digital samples in fluorescence microscopy. Quantitative analysis of different cytochemical and fluorescence staining techniques.
Vision Sperm

Analysis, report generation and management of digital samples in sperm analysis.
Vision Cyto

Analysis, report generation and management of virtual samples in cytology.
Vision Cyto Sperm Sediment

Digital cytology slide of sperm sediment. Testing for latent trichomoniasis, fungal, HPV infections, disbiosis and etc.
Vision Slide

Digital scanning and whole slide imaging. Automatic or manual identification of objects on the digital slide, measurements, objects classification.
Vision Hema

Identification and pre-classification of leukocytes, analysis of erythrocytes and platelets, analysis of pathological and complex cells, blood smear tail.
Administrative module
Vision Remote

Remote workstation.
Application modules |
Vision Album |
Components |
Microscope |
Optical system* |
10x, 20x, 40x, 40x Oil, 100x Oil |
Microscopy method |
Bright field, Phase contrast*, Fluorescent* |
Illumination |
Köhler illumination, LED |
Communication |
Bidirectional LIS, LIS2-A2 (ASTM), HL7, Ethernet |
Additional* |
Set for phase contrast, set for fluorescent |
Vision Basic |
Art. N.: 64030.00 |
Depends on delivery package.
Please check the intended use and the registration in your local regulation. Depending on the regulations of the respective region, some products may be used for research purpose only.
Pre-classification has to be validated by the specialist reviewing the galleries of cells.

West Medica | Biology and Medicine