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Bone Marrow

Automatic Analysis of Bone Marrow cells

Vision Bone Marrow
Clinical Application Module

Vision Bone Marrow

Automatic scanning, pre-classification and counting of bone marrow cells.

— Blasts

— Basophils

— Eosinophils

— Promyelocytes

— Myelocytes

— Metamyelocytes

— Band neutrophils

— Segmented neutrophils

— Lymphocytes

— Erythroblasts

Digital slide of bone marrow.

Digital slide of bone marrow.

Automatic selection of regions of interest (ROI) and identification of megakaryocytes (MGK).

Automatic selection of regions of interest (ROI) and identification of megakaryocytes (MGK).

Bone marrows cells gallery.

Bone marrows cells gallery.

Megakaryocytes gallery.

Megakaryocytes gallery.

Automation through Vision Bone Marrow improves the quality and increases the speed of analysis. Vision Bone Marrow allows you to save time and resources of your laboratory. A specialist only validates the analysis results.

Artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) cumulates algorithms and technologies that allow computers to learn and solve intellectual tasks provided by humans. AI speeds up processing and interpretation of data, and allows to efficiently perform the most comprehensive tasks, including medical image analysis.

Administrative Modules

Vision Manager

Analysis procedure automation, data processing rules.

Сonsulting and Education Modules

Vision Suite

Cloud/server for telemedicine and remote consultations with colleagues.

Clinical applications

The latest developments of artificial intelligence provide a solution for the tasks connected with automation in digital microscopy. Our technologies speed up the diagnostic process, reduce analysis time and lower subjectivity of the results received. They improve the efficiency of laboratory routine operation, bringing microscopy analyses in line with state-of-the-art standards.


Vision Assist
Vision Assist
Cell Imaging Analyzer

Vision Pro
Vision Pro
Cell Imaging Analyzer

Vision Ultimate
Vision Ultimate
Cell Imaging Analyzer

Application module
Vision Bone Marrow

Application module
Vision Bone Marrow

Application module
Vision Bone Marrow

Working modes:
queue (only 4 slides version)

Working modes:
queue, random access

Working modes:
queue, continuous and random access, STAT testing, 24/7

Automatic scanning

Automatic scanning

Automatic scanning

1 or 4 slides

8 slides

Up to 200 slides

Manual slide handling

2 cassettes with slides

Automatic slide handling

Microscope for scanning

Microscope for scanning

Microscope for scanning

Personal computer

Personal computer

Personal computer




Touch-screen monitor for control

Built-in barcode reader (optional)

Built-in barcode reader

Automatic oil dispenser (optional)

Automatic oil dispenser

Optical system:
10x, 50x Oil, 100x Oil

Optical system:
10x, 60x Oil, 100x Oil

Optical system:
10x, 50x Oil, 100x Oil

Bright field

Bright field

Bright field

Köhler illumination, LED

Köhler illumination, LED

Köhler illumination, LED

Bidirectional LIS, LIS2-A2 (ASTM), HL7, Ethernet

Bidirectional LIS, LIS2-A2 (ASTM), HL7, Ethernet

Bidirectional LIS, LIS2-A2 (ASTM), HL7, Ethernet

Art. N.: 71150.02 (1 slide)
Art. N.: 71450.02 (4 slides)

Art. N.: 72852.02 (8 slides)

Art. N.: 73011.02 (200 slides)

Please check the intended use and the registration in your local regulation. Depending on the regulations of the respective region, some products may be used for research purpose only.


West Medica | Bone Marrow